8th Annual Autism in The Arts Event

8th Annual Autism in The Arts Event

Loved being a part of this inspiring event. Let the momentum continue! Shop Shane’s art featured at Helpers Artisan Boutique online shop.helpers.org or visit Helpers Artisan Boutique at 1947 Union ST, SF.  
T21 Fun Run

T21 Fun Run

Thank you for a successful 3-mile annual event run or walk at Lafayette Reservoir loop took place 8/26. What is T21? Down Syndrome is the number one chromosomal disorder. Individuals with Down Syndrome have an extra copy (3) of the 21st chromosome (Trisomy 21/T21)....
Thank You Common Roots Farm!

Thank You Common Roots Farm!

Summer smoothies hit the spot With strawberries still abundant and our new outdoor kitchen ready to go, last week we prepared delicious fruit smoothies together. Lily, our volunteer and engagement coordinator, froze some fresh berries and then got our blender whirring...
Upcoming Event- Stanford Autism Conference October 14, 2023

Upcoming Event- Stanford Autism Conference October 14, 2023

Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area and Stanford Autism Center are excited to announce their annual conference on planning and supports for adults with autism and related developmental disabilities: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Meet the Artist – Cindy Johnson

Meet the Artist – Cindy Johnson

Cindy Johnson Butterflies, flowers, and ladybugs float through Cindy’s artwork. Often, they fill the sky in dizzying profusion, giving a buzzing energy to her Edenic vision. Her abstract colored pencil drawings exhibit the same sophisticated wealth of pattern and pure...