The challenges individuals face as a result of disabilities vary in type, some not immediately visible. That is why it is important to not assume that someone possesses or does not possess a disability based on how they look or act. For others still, the cause of...
Have you ever thought about what it takes to open a group home? Local and state agencies oversee the establishment of group homes and for good reason. The establishment of a safe, affordable group home that provides an engaging, motivating atmosphere requires...
It’s that time of year again. Holiday shopping is underway. If you have friends or family members on your holiday gift list who have special needs, how do you go about choosing the right gift? This year, it could be fun to look at your gift giving in a new light. What...
According to the CDC, recent estimates in the United States show that about one in six, or about 17% of children aged 3 through 17 years old have one or more developmental disabilities. This vulnerable community also experiences mental health conditions on a...
This is a difficult question, one that some families avoid as long as possible. Difficult topics are often put off, like writing a will, feeling there’ll be time enough, someday. A not uncommon assumption is that an extended family member will step in and take over...
As we approach our third year of living with the pandemic, the return to a true ‘normal’ seems to remain ever elusive. The disruptions brought on from the pandemic, social unrest, overdue reckoning for racial justice and equality, deep political divides, and a lengthy...