Helpers Community sends gratitude, hope, and love to you as we welcome 2022!
We move forward with a focus on safety for all, uncertainty about the virus and the future, but are excited for the New Year as we consider the results of our opportunities and successful impacts of 2021. Our commitment to our mission of Enriching the Lives of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (IDD) remains focused on:
— The Helpers’ Grant Program: Helpers Community cares deeply about nonprofits who enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Helpers is dedicated to supporting nonprofit agencies and individuals that help those who provide residential care, recreation, and job training programs.
— Group Living Homes (partnership with the Pomeroy Center) the homes (2) provide safe, loving, “family” environments for program participants to live productive lives.
— The Helpers Artisan Boutique Job Training Program for client program participant development (with the Arc SF) and gift shop (our collaborations with key artists or partner organizations whom we purchase unique gift items created by them which support IDD)
We will continue to strive in 2022 within these 3 key pillars, our development initiatives, and collaboration with partner organizations and individuals to make a difference with those we serve.
2020/2021 Grant Award Impacts:
Grant Award Program – $375,000 was awarded with an additional $60,oo0 in covid support (2020/2021 completion)
Programs successfully executed included:
Arc SF, SF, CA
A grant was provided which impacted the Arc’s Workforce Development Program and Education program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the ACHIEVE program. The ACHIEVE program provides: Access to Career Help, Inclusive Employment, Vocational Skills, and Education. This is a multilayered program which encompasses in-house and community college continuing education, internships, job coaching. ACHIEVE: The grant benefitted 300 participants with in-house vocational skills, employability, employment preparedness, social emotional proficiency, and digital literacy. All participants received job search support, resume focus, in job coaching, and use of technology. The Arc developed a new education site called the “Hub” which offered remote learning, online interactive learning, enabling the Arc to continue their in-house courses during the pandemic.
Cedars of Marin, Ross, CA
New kitchen, renovation of their Textile Arts Collaborative Building, and the HVAC system were completed. With programs resumed safely, Cedars participants are able to cook healthy lunches, and there will be space for the Cedars Senior Program. The HVAC system impacts 110 individuals and enables installing a piped HVAC system which uses fan coil units reducing the re-circulation of air that forced air systems use, thereby making the space safer against COVID -19’s spread.
Clear Water Ranch Cloverdale, CA
Clear Water Ranch will become home to 24 residents with developmental disabilities and staff. It is a beautiful semi-rural “campus” in the Alexander Valley and contains 5 large homes, some under renovation, and an Enrichment Center. Once all residences are occupied activities will be created to encourage socialization and interaction with the Cloverdale community. The Helpers’ grant was provided to Clearwater Ranch for shoring up unstable ground and bolstering support under the Enrichment Center (to be completed in 2022).
Common Roots Farm, Santa Cruz, CA
Helpers Community made a generous grant to Common Roots Farm to construct a wheelchair accessible perimeter path. The ecological installation made of permeable recycled plastic, was initially delayed due to Covid-19. Installation completed with a wonderful event, a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony September 2021. Impact to the farm is tremendous and is a “key infrastructure milestone” which links the Seed to Salad Garden, the production farm, the post-harvest areas, chicken and sheep, the orchard and greenhouse and eventually the new barn.
Kainos Home and Training, Redwood City, CA
The Helpers’ grant award to Kainos Home and Training provided new roofs for 3 of their key group living homes enabling residents to live comfortably.
Life Services Alternatives, Santa Clara, CA
Helpers provided solar panels for homes.
One Step Beyond, San Carlos, CA
Helpers Community provided a grant to One Step Beyond for their TV Monitor and laptops. The TV monitor for group viewing was installed at the One Step Beyond satellite in San Carlos, CA, and 16 laptops were provided to clients. The impact was especially meaningful during the pandemic lockdown as it enabled classes to continue and benefitted 60 clients.
The Pomeroy Center, SF, CA
A grant was approved to continue the One Center Program, an innovative focus on individual choice where students can choose from a selection of class offerings to develop social, mental and physical skills and the Transition Age Program, an after-school program, focused on vocational and job skills training for Independent living.
Helpers’ support provided: Virtual programming, Zoom classes, disbursal of tablets, and laptops and training. Transition Age students returned to onsite services in the summer with social distancing in place. “The generosity of Helpers allowed us to maintain community and bring meaningful interactions and opportunities to learn during a critical time in which individuals with developmental disabilities have been disproportionately affected and increasingly isolated. Hundreds of individuals with developmental disabilities at the Pomeroy Center continued to increase their knowledge and skills over a year which required constant adaptation. On behalf of everyone we serve, thank you.” Pomeroy Center.
(San Francisco Disability Business Alliance)
Funding was provided for a successful Zoom Event Entrepreneurial Work Shop Week. The organization supports empowerment through entrepreneurship – education on the “how to” of starting a business, mentorship through the incubation process, support for becoming a certified disability owned business, increased supplier diversity and integration with other businesses.
Trajectory, Eureka, CA
Trajectory is a Dream Maker Program project under the umbrella The Ink People Inc which has a long history in Humboldt County, “Weaving the Arts Into the Fabric of Our Community Since 1979.” The organization’s goal is to make the community a better place through arts and culture. “Art in all its forms is essential to the human spirit and wellbeing.” There are over 36 artists with developmental disabilities impacted positively by this organization. The Helpers’ grant disbursement funded a new free standing printing press, paper and riso graph machine and ink for the Trajectory art programs with wide reaching benefit to the entire Eureka community.
Via Services, Via West, Santa Clara, CA
Helpers’ grant support enabled Via Services to completely renovate their oldest camp residence: bunk house, deck, flooring, painting, bathroom, and hall.
Residence Homes (partnership with the Pomeroy Center)
— Helpers Group Homes (2) provided Pomeroy Center program resident participants with covid impact support and assistance for their group living.
The Helpers Artisan Boutique (HAB)
— Job Training and Mentorship Program: Christipher is a successful graduate of the job training program. He was hired as the first Helpers Artisan Boutique employee. Christipher had been a program participant of the ARC SF and was voted Employee of the Year by the Arc SF.
— Two program participants from Arc SF are now working with Christipher training in retail, merchandising, customer service skills. Helpers Artisan Boutique successfully mentored 4 program participants with 2 moving to full time opportunities.
— Successful Events (6) were achieved at the HAB (2 Meet the Artist Events, 2 Cultivation Events and 2 Zoom events). Helpers has a generous commitment from sponsors, the Minchen Team, to target holding 4 Cultivation Events a year.
— New product categories and items added, and the introduction of new artists on an ongoing basis took place.
— HAB more than doubled retail sales over prior year.
Platinum Seal of Transparency
Helpers Community in 2021 received, for the second year in a row, the Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar.
New Board Membership
In December 2021 Helpers made an addition of 5 new board members to the Board of Directors. We will be introducing them in our future newsletters.
So 2021 has been a busy year of achievement and growth in making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Helpers Community thanks you for enabling us to do so. We embrace the coming year with anticipation and hope to continue to make an impact together.
Warm Regards,
Marilyn Harrison
Director Retail Marketing