Grants For Developmental Disabilities Programs

HELPERS COMMUNITY cares deeply about nonprofits who enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Helpers Community is dedicated to supporting nonprofit agencies and individuals that help those who provide residential care, recreation, and job training programs to Adults with developmental disabilities. Helpers Community grants funds to 501c3 organizations that serve Adults with developmental disabilities, with priority being those in the state of California.

Organizations that qualify through their commitment to serve Adults with developmental disabilities can apply for grants for infrastructure and materials for specific programs or projects, including facility improvement projects, but not for general operating support and/or salaries.

“Important Announcement regarding the Helpers Community Grant Program”:


Effective this January, 2024 Helpers Community Inc will be changing our grant cycle program from 2 cycles ( Spring & Fall) to just a Fall grant cycle.

The NEW timeline for the new Helpers Fall Grant cycle:

– All Letters of Intent ( LOI’s) must be received NO LATER than June 30, 2024.

– Requests for full proposals, will follow for those projects where the Helpers Community Board of Directors expresses interest for further consideration, Site visits to prospective organizations under consideration may occur prior to the grant decision deadline

– Full proposals must be received NO LATER than August 30th by completing the Online grant application found on the Helpers website / Grants

– Final Approval will be made by September 30th. Those organizations who have been approved for a grant by the Board of Directors of Helpers Community, will be notified and grant money disbursed electronically.

Additional NEW Grant Criteria:

Effective 2024, Any organization who has received grant support from Helpers Community for the past two consecutive grant cycles IS NOT ELIGIBLE to reapply for the next grant cycle.