Grant Application
Project Overview:
- Request/Project Title:
- Organization Description: Provide a brief history and overview of your organization, including your mission statement and goals.
- Project Background: Concisely provide an overview of the specific project’s background and importance to your organization’s mission.
NOTE: If the grant request relates to an ongoing project or program, please list how long the project or program has been operating. - Request Summary: Describe the specific purposes for which any grant funds awarded from Helpers Community; Inc. will be used. (i.e., project funding, operations, specific equipment, etc.)
Amount of Grant Request:
- Demonstration of Need/Population Served: Describe the need or challenge being addressed by the proposed project.
- Additional Demographic Comments:
- Specific Objectives and Outcomes: List the specific objectives of the project or program to be funded. Be as specific as possible in describing the benefits realized by your clients. (i.e. historical attendance, completion, year-to-year retention rates, milestones).
- Implementation/Evaluation: Describe your organization’s implementation plan and timeline for the program. (Include # of Staff & Volunteers needed)
- Demonstration of Need/Population Served: Describe the need or challenge being addressed by the proposed project.
Describe how your organization will achieve the objectives of your project and the specific actions it will take to achieve results.
Describe any potential implementation challenges and what the strategy will be to meet those challenges. (i.e., permits, unforeseen costs).
Describe the criteria your organization will use to measure the success of the project or program
Mission Connectivity:
- Match to Helpers Community Mission and Grant Priorities: Describe how a grant to your organization would further Helpers Community, Inc.’s mission and priorities.
- Collaboration: Please describe any informal or formal relevant collaborative ventures your organization has established (or will establish) with other entities serving similar purposes that may be relevant to this grant request.
- Annual Project Budget:
- Project Budget Detail:
NOTE: Provide a detailed budget for the project, listing major expense categories. If it is a general operating request, enter “Not applicable.” - Other Project Funding: List any sources that have funded or may fund this project. Include any pending grant requests, providing entity name, amount requested, and current status.
- Project Staff Expense: (include # of staff)
Organization Financial Information:
- Total Board approved Annual Budget for Current Year
- Organization Budget Detail
NOTE: Provide a brief budget for your current fiscal year that breaks down the above overall total by category. (Suggested categories: program services, salaries, fundraising, capital improvements, equipment, recruiting, etc.). One budget item per line. - Budget Changes:
NOTE: Summarize any significant changes in your current year budget since initially established. - Percentage of budget allocated to administrative expenses:
- Match to Helpers Community Mission and Grant Priorities: Describe how a grant to your organization would further Helpers Community, Inc.’s mission and priorities.
Prior Fiscal Year Finances
Please attach a copy of most recent year P&L or 990.