Dear Helpers Community,
Our World in 2020 with its unforeseen events has shaken us to our core. As we thankfully enter the Holiday season, Helpers Community reflects on opportunities and lessons learned, as we adjust to a new “normal.” Throughout it all, we hold close to the heart, our steadfast commitment to enrich the lives of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (IDD).
We are excited to share Helpers News with you, spread some JOY, and that despite challenges, Helpers Community moves forward to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
THANK YOU to ALL of YOU for making this possible.
Sharing Our Impact
Helpers Community has remained committed to its mission over the past 9 months since Shelter in Place with our:
- Residence Homes (2) 2626 Fulton St (5 residents) and 2750 Fulton Street (4 residents). Helpers Community owns 2 residence homes and partners with Pomeroy Recreation & Rehabilitation Center, providing the residents with housing and services, daily programs, scheduled walks, and care so they can be part of a group living as family and contributing to the community. Throughout the stay-at-home order, Helpers has supported the residents and suspended rent for two months.
- Residence Sale: The sale of the third Fulton St home closed ON TARGETOctober 2020. As strategically planned, proceeds will go towards purchase of 2 new residence homes in 2021.
Halloween is coming! “Nightmare Before Christmas” Mark, Cary Brian & Lupe.
Residents at Golden Gate Park.
Meet Giorgi, one of the residents at 2750 Fulton St. He was born in the Ukraine, speaks 4 languages, attended a special school, moved to Georgia and went to the University there. He moved to the states after his sister moved here in 1995.
He says of the House,
“I like it here. It was difficult at first, but now I like it. It’s a good house, a good location, and good people. I can help some of the other participants. Its nice to take out some one like Brian because he’s not allowed to go out by himself. We’ve got a good relationship; he always listens to me…”
“…. The house has changed my life because I am living more independently.”
Pomeroy Center Website
Rachel is another resident. She helps in the house, does chores and some housecleaning. She attends Zoom Pomeroy classes, and likes yoga, art, and cooking. She also teaches classes for other participants, including hula, and an American Sign Language class.
Here’s a link to her recent talent show hula performance!
Giorgi, Rachel and Nick are shown here. Elena has gone home, temporarily, to be with family during COVID-19.
Residents Preparing for Christmas
Helpers Community Grant Programs 2020
Helpers Community cares deeply about nonprofits who serve individuals with developmental disabilities. We are dedicated to supporting nonprofit agencies and individuals that provide them with residential care, job training, and recreation.
Although COVID-19 and the wildfires in and around the Bay Area have created safety, financial, physical, emotional, and logistical issues for the community and our grantees, today we would like to share Good News about our Grant disbursements.
Total Distribution: $375,000*
This represents a 50% budget increase over last year. Requests received exceeded our budget by 78% due to COVID-19 needs. To address a greater portion of the need, an additional 19% in grant funding was approved by the Helpers board. All grants were considered and some support was provided to every organization.
Grant Approvals: Approved 10 nonprofit grantees, 6 new grantees*
- The Arc (SF, CA): A grant was approved, due to social distancing needs, to continue the Work force Development program with specific focus on digital literacy and the education for ACHIEVE program, a multilayered program for internships.
- Cedars of Marin (Ross, CA): An additional grant was provided due to COVID-19 to enable continuation of the Textile Arts Collaborative Building renovation and the HVAC system for the kitchen. Construction is on schedule with a yearend completion target date.
Textile Arts Building
Textile Arts Building Planned Renovation
- Common Roots Farm (Santa Cruz, CA): A grant was approved for wheel chair access path.
Common Roots Farm
Common Roots Farm – Angela making lavender sachets.
- *Community Employment Services (San Rafael, CA): Grant approval provided for a grass roots program.
- *Integrated Community Services (San Rafael, CA): A grant was approved for job and curriculum training, partnership with Equator Coffee and Kiosk. The execution of the project is on hold due to pandemic restrictions with move forward planned for Spring 2021.
- *Kainos Home & Training (Redwood City, CA): Grant approved for replacement of residential home roof.
- *One Step Beyond (San Carlos, CA) A grant was approved to provide support of digital training software. This enabled ALL clients to continue their learning virtually rather than on site.
Listen to a Thank You directly from Efram here!
- Pomeroy Center (SF, CA) Grant approved to continue One Center Program, an innovative focus on individual choice where students can choose from a selection of class offerings to develop social, mental and physical skills or the Transition Age Program, an afterschool program focused on vocational and job skills training for independent living. The Center was closed and reopened.
- *United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay (Gone for Good Facility, Fairfield, CA) Grant approval provided for installing a lift for physically disabled transportation.
- *Via Services (Santa Clara, CA) Grant approved for construction, rehab, renovation of bunkroom, bath and deck of their oldest home.
Helpers Artisan Boutique
Perfect for Holiday Giving!
Helpers Retail Store
(1947 Union St, SF, Open Wed – Sun 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM) COVID-19 practices in place.
Helpers Shop Online Store
The Helpers Online Store is an increasingly important vehicle to drive revenue.
Shop Online at the Helpers Store.
Meet the Artists
Celebrate the artists featured in the NEW Shop Online, Meet the Artists
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Harry Harrison
Executive Director