Helpers Community February Newsletter

Helpers Community February Newsletter

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Helpers Community sends gratitude, hope, and love to you as we welcome 2022! We move forward with a focus on safety for all, uncertainty about the virus and the future, but are excited for the New Year as we consider the results of our opportunities...
October Newsletter

October Newsletter

  Greetings Friends, As we begin to prepare for the Holiday season, here is News from Helpers Community! Fulton Street Residence Homes Residents of the Pomeroy Center and Helpers Community Group Living Homes are enjoying San Francisco’s Summer in the Fall, the...
Helpers Community September Newsletter

Helpers Community September Newsletter

Happy Fall Greetings! Helpers Community would like to share some updates with you. Helpers Community & Pomeroy Center Kicking off Fall with the joy of adventure, the Pomeroy Center and Helpers Community group living residents experienced an exciting and memorable...
Helpers Community August Newsletter

Helpers Community August Newsletter

Greetings from Helpers Community, Residents at Helpers Community and Pomeroy Center Fulton Street Group Homes Helpers and Pomeroy Center residents of the Fulton Street Group Homes are happy to be able to resume activities safely at the Pomeroy Center swimming, playing...
Helper’s News May 2021

Helper’s News May 2021

Hello Helpers Community, Happy Spring!! With this newsletter arriving, it is now over a year since we first learned of Covid – 19.  We celebrate and are thankful, lessons learned, new ways, and joyful to be moving forward. There are exciting new happenings from...
Helper’s News November 2020

Helper’s News November 2020

Dear Helpers Community, Our World in 2020 with its unforeseen events has shaken us to our core. As we thankfully enter the Holiday season, Helpers Community reflects on opportunities and lessons learned, as we adjust to a new “normal.” Throughout it all, we hold...